Our Purpose
Too many people in Milwaukee’s central city face significant barriers to long-term employment—unsuccessful work histories, addictions, criminal records, limited education, housing instability and lack of access to transportation, among others.
We provide the pathway to overcome these barriers, to help motivated people find sustainable employment and become self-sufficient. With self-sufficiency comes pride. A feeling of self-worth. A positive impact that ripples out beyond the individual.

Our Model

We believe in our people before they believe in themselves.

High Expectations.
Because we believe in them, we hold them to high standards; if they’re one minute late for one training session, they start all over again.

Holistic Support.
Because they live up to our high standards, we help them solve any challenge that stands in between them and keeping a good job—from transportation to childcare to trauma therapy.

How We Work
We use a proven process, drawing from successful models in Chicago and Cincinnati.
We assess and train our participants, providing dependable employees to our extensive network of small businesses and anchor institutions.
But just as important, we work with participants to restore their human dignity. By doing so, we motivate and empower them to achieve stable employment, then to progress in their careers.
Throughout, our staff remain hands-on, providing one-on-one guidance on issues in the workplace and at home.
Why We’re Different
We work with the whole person—the emotional, social, physical, spiritual, etc. We help people identify, and overcome, the barriers that have held them back so far. We help them recognize and believe in their self-worth.
And when we help them find jobs, we don’t walk away. We’re in it for the long run. We help them keep their jobs and advance in their careers. Even after they’re employed, participants continue to receive guidance from staff members and volunteer mentors.

Our vision for a better world:
No matter what they’re dealing with, anyone in Milwaukee who’s ready to change and ready to work will get the support they need to find and keep a decent job.
Board of Directors
Cheryl Blue
Executive Director, 30th Street Industrial Corridor Corp.
Charlie Hoover
Private Asset Management, Baird
Amy Marshall
Milwaukee Metro Market Manager, Manpower
Pastor Michelle Townsend de Lopez
Senior Pastor, Cross Lutheran Church
Kathryn Buono
Retired Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary (Retired), Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Bill Krugler
Board Chair, JobsWork MKE, Inc.
Albert S. Orr
Shareholder and CEO, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.
Sonnie Wilbert
Vice President of Operations, Aurora West Allis Medical Center
"The way I was before JobsWork MKE, I was doing a slow suicide, and I probably would have succeeded. I feel like I was saved."
—Rahelia, Program Participant