Rahelia's Story

I might as well keep it real. I was into alcohol. I enjoyed alcohol, but there were times it just wasn't good for me at all. It was like a bully in my life. I had it bad.
I was abusing it in the closet, because it wasn't evident. It wasn't like they pulled me aside and said, “Is there something you should tell us about?” It was something personally I was battling. It’s true that when you're using those toxins, it does keep you depressed and I was going through that depression really, really bad some days.
When I first came through the doors of JWM (JobsWork MKE), they had a questionnaire asking about barriers, personal problems that kept you from being successful. I couldn’t lie, and they led me to a program right downstairs—Fokus Family. It was the first (alcohol treatment) program I ever participated in, and I guess I was ready. I stayed obedient, came to my appointments. It didn’t happen all at once, but now it's like the desire has been taken away from me. I don't care for it because I know where I come from.
JWM helped me get my job with Outpost (Natural Foods). I needed income and had none. They pretty much prepped me. They blessed me with interview clothes. They expected me to be responsible, be on time. They taught me to do some homework on the employer. That's how I got my foot in the door at Outpost. When I had my interview with them, I had the history of how they got started, how they started as a co-op.
Now I’ve been there for four years. I work in the bulk food area—packing dried fruits, flour, rice, grain, seasonings. It’s a nice environment. I have the most cooperative team players ever, and that makes a difference. My supervisor always keeps the door open as far as questions or concerns.
It’s the best job I’ve ever had.
I’ve changed entirely. My diet has changed. Less sugar, more plant-based. I've been meditating. It really works! Literally, I am so peaceful now. I'm at the good part of my life where I'm learning balance regarding my personal life and my professional life.
I have made so many accomplishments. My spirit is alive now! At the same time, I'm humble.
I never saw this coming. I did pray for it. I asked for it. I feel like I was led to JWM. I don't believe in coincidences. It’s like our paths were supposed to cross, and I was ready.
Before JobsWork MKE, I was doing a slow suicide, and I probably would have succeeded. I feel like I was saved.